Entries are now open as we celebrate 40 years of business excellence in Northland

Entries are now open for the 2017 Westpac Northland Business Excellence Awards.  There is no cost to enter the awards, you do not need to be a member of the Chamber and there are significant benefits to entering.

 “This year we are celebrating 40 years of business excellence in Northland. As we reflect on this significant milestone, we look forward to guiding this year’s entrants throughout the awards process as we encourage them to examine their businesses, identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop plans to further improve their businesses model for the future.” says New Zealand Chambers of Commerce Northland CEO Tony Collins. “It’s about inspiring business success and recognising the never ending journey in the pursuit of business excellence.”

“The awards are not just about celebrating business success in Northland, they also offer entrants a vehicle to raise their business profile and engage their employees throughout the entry process. The benefits of participating are ongoing for entrants and category winners; who also receive a marketing and media package valued at over $2,500 to add value back into the business and promote their win,” continues Mr Collins.

There are categories to suit businesses of all sizes, as entrants are grouped and measured with businesses of a similar scale and evaluated using a modified version of the Baldrige system. Alongside the business categories the awards offer a platform to celebrate success in the not for profit sector, creative industries and innovation.

To demystify the entry process and offer tips for preparing an entry around what the judges are looking for, entrant workshops are conducted throughout Northland in May. The workshops are facilitated by Business Coaching NZ and NZ Chambers of Commerce Northland, who also offer ongoing support as required to entrants seeking further advice around their entry.

“In the past 39 years there have been some outstanding entrants and winners from varying sectors, business sizes and outlying districts.  We would like to see this strong regional representation continue as we award winners in the 40th year of the awards.  If you know of a business that you believe would benefit from this event, please nominate them to enter” says Mr Collins. 

Complete your expression or interest or nominate a business today!

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