Entries to the main body of this year’s Northland Business Excellence Awards closes July 30 2021. NorthChamber is putting out a final call to local businesses from across the region to get involved and boost their business vitality by taking part.”
Our mission at NorthChamber is to ‘inspire and influence business vitality’, comments NorthChamber CEO Steve Smith. “Vitality is defined as ‘a state of strong and active energy,’ and the Northland Business Excellence Awards process is an excellent way that a business can review, energise and activate their business!”
The main body of the Awards uses a modified version of the internationally recognised Baldrige Business Excellence criteria to provide the basis of the entry form. Any business from an emerging entity through to large and well-established organisations can take part. The entry form covers the following aspects of how a business operates, Leadership, Business Planning, Customers and Markets, Processes, Information and Analysis, Staff and Health and Safety.
The value of entering cannot be underestimated, there are opportunities all through the entry process to obtain input and feedback for example, while working on a submission a business can share their partially completed entry with NorthChamber and Awards Business Coach Terry Sage and will receive feedback on any gaps that the entry form may have. This insight offers the entrant a chance to improve their entry, as well as gain an insight into areas of the business that maybe need strengthening overall.
The Judging process is carried out independent of NorthChamber with the judges coming from an array of strong professional backgrounds which allow them to apply specialist knowledge when reviewing the submissions. Judges highlight any opportunities, gaps, threats etc. as well as the excellent business practice they see, offering comprehensive feedback for the entrant businesses to reflect on for future.
There is also opportunity to sit down with the Awards Business Coach Terry Sage one-on- one and do a post judging review and receive the benefit of Sage’s many years business coaching experience. Either way this is where the true value of the process kicks in.
Many past entrants have given feedback that the entry journey and judges’ visit has increased team engagement and provided a platform for future achievements. As prior Supreme Award winner Murray Clements of Clements Contracting said, “We now have a clear path and vision for the future. The Awards process has helped us to achieve this.”
Participating in the Northland Business Excellence Awards is free, for more information visit www.northlandbusinessawards.co.nz or call NorthChamber on 09 4384771 for more information.