MSD Youth Employee of the Year Award announced

Jodi Haywood, MSD Regional Labour Market Manager and Tony Collins, NZ Chambers of Commerce Northland CEO

The Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and NZ Chambers of Commerce Northland are delighted to announce the introduction of a new award in this year’s Westpac Northland Business Excellence Awards.

He Poutama Taitamariki Award (Youth Employee of the Year) recognises young people who have made significant life changes as a result of employment.

MSD Regional Commissioner Eru Lyndon said the Ministry wanted to introduce an award that focuses on the young person’s employment success and achievement, while also recognising the role of the employer in creating conditions for success and sustainability.

“We have had some great success helping young Northlanders move from receiving a benefit and into employment, this is our opportunity to recognise the hard work that they have put in to get a job and then to keep it.”

“As well as the achievements of the employee, there are employers who take on young people and provide them with training, stability and guidance as they take their first steps in the workplace,” he said.

“With this award we hope to showcase the great work these individuals are doing, and the impact it has had on their lives and those around them.”

NZ Chambers of Commerce Northland CEO Tony Collins said he was delighted when MSD approached him about this award.

“The Westpac Business Excellence Awards are about recognising local businesses and people who make Northland stronger. These young people and employers are certainly doing that.”

Nominations for the awards are open now and close on Friday 21 September. The award will be presented at the Westpac Northland Business Excellence Awards on Friday 26 October.

For more information on the award criteria and to nominate yourself or someone you know please go to

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