Dave Ngawati from Mahu Creative was commissioned by Creative Northland on behalf of NorthChamber to create the trophies for the 2022 Northland Business Excellence Awards.
The category winner trophies are named Maunga Tete, meaning Mountain of Achievement. Imbued with 3 attributes, for the journey & a window to keep your vision expanded upon the horizon.
These three attributes are to symbolise vision, commitment & passion.
As a creatives we know that in order to achieve the creation of something, we often need to begin with a vision. To have a sense of where we’d like to go or what we want to form. We need to know which mountain we wish to climb. We need that inner sense of commitment to the journey that will take us there. And we need the fuel that drives us on the journey, our passion for what we love, to really get us there. Once you’ve reached the top of this Mountain it will surely open you to a heightened view, revealing to you that there is another mountain awaiting you.
May the next call you with ever more wisdom & passion from this journey now passed and with greater support & skill to carry you onward.
For our 2022 supreme winner, David has created a beautiful piece called Taumata Wairere – Pinnacle with waterfall. The highest peak reveals the heart of the mountain that reveals a waterfall of creation.
For the Creatives who have made a whare from their journey, the mountain becomes the home. A place to tend to & water with your many visions, commitments and passions all fed by the everlasting spring of gathered wisdom. A mountain now overflowing with the waters that feed the village. A creative content to nurture the heart of their mountain; the now journey extends itself outwards: refining, sharing and deepening as you stand tall in the achievements that this mountain has granted you.
About David & Mahu Creative
I am a full time creator with a passion for co creating with people and being the vessel for cherished creations to be brought to life through. My family and I are connected to the land with genealogy to Ngati Hine and based in Te taitokerau ~ Northland, Aotearoa ~Land Of The Long White Cloud ~ New Zealand. .
The concept began in 2015 through infinite love and a journey of healing which nurtured & grew into a visual arts company & a lifestyle. Mahu was created to offer an opportunity to create with harmonious individuals who treasure customised experiences.
The lungs represented in the Mahu logo symbolise healing of all, Releasing of the old, bringing in the new. honouring the breath of life. instinctual inner knowing & divine connection to source.